Privacy Policy

Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter II of Spanish Law 34/2002 (Spanish acronym: LSSICE), we inform you that this website is owned by DAVID MORA BETANCOR, with address for notification purposes at Calle Ruperto Chapí, nº7-4ºA2 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and with Spanish Tax Code (NIF) 44.304.188R, mobile number (+34) 699 711 264 and contact telephone number (+34) 928 051 724, and e-mail address, Tourism Service Provider: I-0003276.3


Pursuant to the provisions of European Data Protection Regulations and Spanish Constitutional Law on Data Protection 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and the Guarantee of Digital Rights, and the developing data protection regulations, we inform you that the data you voluntarily provide to us will be added to a mixed personal data file for the purpose of managing the necessary commercial and administrative relations with customers and that all the security measures established by current personal data protection regulations have been implemented.


Anyone providing and sending personal data guarantees the accuracy of the data provided and undertakes to communicate any changes thereto.


Personal data must be provided to contact and receive information about the products and services of DAVID MORA BETANCOR.


If you do not provide the personal data requested or do not accept this data protection policy, you will be unable to subscribe, register or receive information about the products and services of DAVID MORA BETANCOR.


Pursuant to the provisions of Spanish Constitutional Law on Data Protection 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and the Guarantee of Digital Rights, and the developing data protection regulations, we inform you that you are entitled to exercise your rights of data access, rectification, opposition and erasure by writing a letter or via any other reliable means of communication to DAVID MORA BETANCOR, with registered address at Calle Ruperto Chapí, nº7 – 4ºA2 C.P. 35013 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria or by sending an e-mail to


In order to exercise said rights, you must prove your identity by sending a photocopy of your National Identity Document or any other legally accepted identification document.


DAVID MORA BETANCOR will not share your data with third parties under any circumstances. Nonetheless, consent will be requested from the affected party in the event that data are shared with any company or entity.


The website user declares to have been informed of the personal data protection terms and conditions, and accepts and provides their consent for the automated processing thereof by David Mora Betancor in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Personal Data Protection Policy.


Hence, by using this form to contact David Mora Betancor, you expressly authorise the use of your data for sending commercial communications by any means (including e-mail). You may withdraw said authorisation at any time by contacting David Mora Betancor via the aforementioned channels.




The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements needed for its operation, such as the designs, logos, texts and/or graphics, are owned by the service provider or, where appropriate, the service provider holds a licence or express authorisation from the corresponding authors that own the same. All the content of the website is duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, and registered with the corresponding public registries.


Hence, regardless of their purpose, the total or partial reproduction, use, operation, distribution and commercialisation thereof requires prior written authorisation from the service provider at all times. Any use thereof not previously authorised by the service provider will be considered as a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author, for which reason the service provider reserves the right to bring any pertinent legal action in defence of its corresponding legitimate rights.


As a customer of the website, you are entitled to make any comment regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as about any of the content on the website, by writing to





Any interpretation or dispute or grievance related to this website or the activities taking place thereon will be subject to Spanish legislation, which the parties expressly accept while expressly waiving any other that may correspond to them. The Courts and Tribunals of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria will be competent for the resolution of all conflicts stemming from the website.